
What is NORKA Attestation and Its Procedure?

What is NORKA Attestation and Its Procedure?

What is NORKA Attestation and Its Procedure?

NORKA or Non-Residential Keralites Affairs is a division of the Government of Kerala that addresses and resolves the issues of the resident and non-resident Keralites. It was established in 1996 to function various roles for the welfare of people residing in Kerala, few of them include document attestation, helping track missing people, and recruitment of Keralites for various professional and domestic services in Gulf countries.

As per the Ministry of External Affairs in India, NORKA is a designated authority to authorize employment in the 18 ECR countries:

  1. Afghanistan
  2. Bahrain
  3. Indonesia
  4. Iraq
  5. Jordan
  6. Kuwait
  7. Lebanon
  8. Libya
  9. Malaysia
  10. Oman
  11. Qatar
  12. Saudi Arabia
  13. Sudan
  14. South Sudan
  15. Syria
  16. Thailand
  17. United Arab Emirates

NORKA attestation is essential for Keralites for employment and other reasons in these countries, and the agency is accountable for attesting educational documents issued in the state of Kerala for overseas uses. It is very similar to HRD attestation for educational documents issued by UGC and AICTE.

NORKA Attestation of educational documents when a Keralite is applying for employment or student visa to visit an ECR country.

The NORKA attestation centers are located in Kochi, Thiruvananthapuram, and Kozhikode, in Kerala for document attestation services. NORKA provides a stamp and signature on the back of the documents to prove their authenticity. NORKA attestation is an online application process followed by document submission along with the original passport.

NORKA Attestation Procedure

NORKA officials verify and attest documents through a tailored process before they are sent to Delhi Headquarters for the further attestation procedure. Here’s the step-by-step process to obtain NORKA attestation on educational documents.

  • Online Application:An online application form is needed to be filled completely by candidates to begin the attestation process. This form contains every detail and information regarding your education, and you should fill every section correctly to avoid rejection.
  • Submission of documents:After online application, candidates are required to scan and submit all the necessary documents with the form. The original passport is also required in the process for the authentication and approval of NORKA attestation for overseas uses. NORKA officials attest these documents before proceeding them for MEA and embassy attestation.
  • MEA and Embassy Attestation:After NORKA attestation, documents are dispatched to headquarters for MEA and embassy attestation from respective officials. These are the final steps in the document attestation process after which documents are sent back to candidates.

NORKA is an authorized organization based in Kerala that is responsible for certificate attestation of educational documents. NORKA attestation can be a confusing process for individuals and hiring professionals for assistance can be very handy and helpful.

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