
how do I obtain the UAE equivalency certificate from India?

how do I obtain the UAE equivalency certificate from India?

Equivalency certificate or Equalization of studies from a country other than the UAE is the process by which Ministry of Education in UAE officially validate a degree and acknowledge the studies to be equal to UAE standard. It typically involves attestations in the home country of the certificate and the destination country (in our case UAE) finally the review by equivalency committee after which the certificate of Equivalency is issued from the Ministry of education, UAE.

It is imperative to follow the procedure as:

  • Attestation of documents
  • Applying for Genuinity letter (if certificates are from India, All Asian and African countries) from the Indian embassy (in the case of Indian certificates)
  • Applying for equivalency certificate online via the Ministry of Education website.

Globo Prime can assist with:

  • Attestation of all relevant certificates from home country
  • Attestation of relevant certificates from Ministry of Foreign Affairs in UAE
  • Apply for equivalency on behalf of client via the MOE website

What are the documents required to apply for an equivalency certificate in the UAE?

  1.  Degree / Diploma certificate qualification to be equalized  properly attested (attested by the SDM/HRD then ministry of external affairs at the home country of the qualification and the UAE embassy there and finally UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs).
  2. Degree transcript of records for the qualification to be equalized properly attested by the ministry of exteranl afairs  at the country issuing the qualification and the UAE embassy there  and finally the UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs attestation.
  3. The original passport  copy and a proof of residence visa copy if you completed your degree/diploma from abroad yuu must submit entry and exit seals for the country where the applicant studied, a copy of the Identity card (for non-citizens).
  4. The original equivalency should be attached along with a copy of it by the competent authorities in the country where the qualification is granted if this country’s system so requires
  5. A copy of the applicant ID card copy.
  6. Legal translation of the educational certificates if issued in any language other than  English or Arabic.
  7. The original delegation letter for delegated students, showing the certificate title, the name of the university, the target country, the date of commencement and end of delegation and the system of study
  8. The original letter of the embassy of the country issuing the qualification with the academic institution’s reply indicating: the authenticity of the qualification, the applicable study approach and whether the qualification issuer is certified (the department does the correspondence in case the embassy’s letter doesn’t cover all required information, or if the embassy of the country of study doesn’t issue such document)
  9. A transcript record of transferred hours for each institution independently (where applicable) and a copy thereof, attaching the original letter of the embassy of the country issuing this transcript record with the academic institution’s reply indicating: the authenticity of the course, the applicable study approach and whether the transcript issuer is certified.
  10. ) The non-Arab high school certificate should be equalized by the UAE Ministry of Education, and the high school certificate issued by private schools inside the UAE should be equalized or attested by the relevant districts. (Holders of academic qualifications granted 20 years before the submission of the high school certificate or equivalent will be exempted, unless necessary, of this condition when applying for equivalency).

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